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Client Feedback

We hope that you are satisfied with the work undertaken on your behalf at Harrison Drury Solicitors. However, we recognise that, in all things, there is always room for improvement and the provision of Legal Services is certainly no exception.

As part of our commitment to constantly reviewing and improving the service we provide to clients, we would be most grateful if you could help us by completing the client feedback form below. Please be assured that this is completely confidential and unless you complete your details at the bottom of the form, then your identity will not be known.

All completed questionnaires will be entered into a quarterly draw for a £250 Barton Grange Voucher.

Client Feedback

01772 258321

Please submit your feedback and we will reply accordingly.

If asked to recommend a firm to provide legal services to a friend or colleague, how likely is it that you would recommend Harrison Drury?

1 being not at all likely – 10 being extremely likely
Question 2
Which of the following options influenced your response to question 1? (You may select more than one option)
Purple shape Blue shape